Thursday, 11 October 2018

How To Avoid Fungus In Your Hydroponic System

Hydroponic is a method where you grow plants without the help of soil. If you are wondering how plant roots will receive nutrients then the plants get nutrition solutions which are generally pumped into the roots.  The process of providing plants nutrition to hydroponics and aquaponics are same but they have a distinct difference. If you love gardening and you don’t have time for gardening then you should definitely go through these methods. But, the problem is growing of fungus on your hydroponic system. You have to take control of the fungus even before its spreading.
We have compiled a list of tips to avoid fungus on your hydroponic system.

Clean Slope

While handling the slope you need to take care of the fungus.  The tray can be kept in a gentle slope if you have been using hydroponic fodder. So that the water keeps on moving, protecting your system from fungus. Along with fungus you will also have to avoid mosquitoes because they multiply in water. To keep them at bay you shouldn’t use dormant water. Make sure the drainage system is good.


You need to control temperature so that fungus won’t grow. Fungus prefers to grow in a warm temperature so you have to make your hydroponic system cool. You can use a fan, thermostats, and thermometers. Ensure that you keep the temperature at an average of 21-degree centigrade. There is another effective way where you can control temperature is through shade net. They will not provide you with the exact temperature control but it can be an effective measure where you can control fungus.


Hygiene is another factor where you can control fungus to grow. If you are using hydroponic then you need to change the water every 3 days. You need to use fresh water so that your plants and fish won’t die. You also need to clean the tray before planting the seed. If you want to you can use a bleach solution or clean it in soap. As far as possible keep the door closed because lots of flies and insects also spread the fungus.

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